Garden Update

So it's been pretty quiet up a the garden.  There's been very little rain these past few weeks, and I made the decision not to water.  The Wheatland Community Garden, while it does have a water source, the effort of watering a huge thirsty plot isn't really something I'm willing to do.  The garden has to pay for its water with a tiny budget, so I'm putting the garden to bed early this year.  I'm still harvesting small tomatoes, sweet corn, and flowers, but I've been letting the plants die back, and am looking forward to next year.  At the house we still have plenty of beets, carrots, watermelon, and tomatillos.  The farmers market has been pretty amazing!!  You can check out the photo below to see what I've been buying, and hauling around on my bike!  

I've been working on getting legs of steel lately.  Jacob and I decided to build a cargo bike, and because I pick up the majority of our groceries and we host fun bike events like coffee outside it's now necessary.  A second vehicle like a car really isn't something we find ourselves needing, we both love being petal-powered people, and are lucky enough to work close to home and have an amazing network of local stores and markets to fill our needs.  Stay tuned for more updates on the bike, its going to be a really fun build out, and we're both excited to share it with everyone!  The photo above is my market haul from the weekend, that pile of Italian prune plums made my day!!  They're a favorite of mine and was excited to see Taproot Magazine had a recipe for a plum butter sweetened with maple sugar that I'm hoping to make this weekend!


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