This Book
I have been keeping a journal off and on, almost every year from the time I was in the third grade. I have years where I write everyday, tracing every moment of my life, some years it is less, filling only a few pages. There are years like this last one that explode with color...
...photographs and drawings, momentos from trips, and old candy wrappers, and fruit stickers. The books always contain a few coffee and tea stains, most of my writing seems to happen in the morning, or late at night when I can't sleep, almost like I am trying to write out all the troubles of my day.
This years book contains the transition out of two jobs that I hated into a job that I love. It contains the aftermath of a really horrible hospital visit, but it also contains a lot of love, for myself and for others. I'm not one for making New Year's resolutions, but I can't help this January to look towards the future with hope and optimism. So much has changed, in just a few short weeks. That's the best part of a journal, much needed perspective, you can look back and see where you changed, and how you became the person you are today.
So here's to the start of next year, I'll keep you posted.
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