End of Season Flea Market Finds
The end of the season this year was especially good to me. It helped that my dad, on the last day of work told me to take home whatever I wanted, so I did. These objects all came from my last two picks of the year. I can't wait till next year. This sweet little owl came from my dad, it's hand carved from a deer antler, and signed on the bottom.
A pair of japanese pruning shears, an Opinel knife from France, for all my foraging needs, and a brass owl key ring, for a girl who constantly loses her keys!
The cutes owl print, bought for $.10 a steal!
One of my favorites for the year, US army regulation arctic circle mittens, they are the warmest things I have ever owned.
Sometimes even I need a little glamor, this burgundy snakeskin clutch, lined in suede brings out the girly girl in me, now if only I can find an event in my life where something like this would be necessary.
The orange background in this handwoven mexican blanket, makes it pretty rare, I picture myself using it for the beach and picnics in the park come warmer times!
To all my fellow vintage junkies, flea market wanderers, and treasure hunters, here's to next season, may it be a good one!
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